Impact Industry Cacao - Update 16


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 16

It’s about to get real, wiring information has been sent.

I also shared my Pitch Deck publicly, so now the world see’s what really accelerated this a couple of weeks ago.

Since I pitched the first investor, the number of incredible opportunities and partnerships that have already come to us is what makes this opportunity special.

And the opportunity and interest has continued to grow.

Now it’s about execution.


At the core of execution is people, this last weekend was a huge step in the that direction. We had some of the top talent thinking about the Cacao industry.

I conducted interviews, scoped out what a team might look like and even flew down one of my first employees who just so happens to have connections to the coffee and cacao industry.

The only way this works if we have the best minds, who attract more of the best minds to come and work on the island to bring this vision to life.

We are building in person.


Those people will be accountable for building out the best processes.

If we try to take what works elsewhere, and apply it here to Puerto Rico… It will break. That’s why being on island is a non-negotiable.

We have to figure out:

- Logistics
- Infrastructure
- Processing

None of it exists on island for Cacao it’s a frontier industry we are embarking. My goal is to synthesize as many learnings from adjacent industries to bring it to life and work with people like Stephanie to support here and fill in gaps.


The last important piece of this is building the best product in the world. What does that look like? Well think of the best Whiskey, the best rum, you name it. It all starts with the best commodity. Flavor, source, etc.

Puerto Rico will be the best Cacao globally, if I have anything to say about it.

How you can help:

Humbled to have you on this journey.
