Impact Industry Cacao - Update 15


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 15

To start, let me tell you about Stephanie.

She walks around with a machete, a 2 year-old, and a big smile managing one of the most impressive farms I’ve been too.

We’re talking Bugs Bunny type stuff where you pull a carrot out of the ground and it’s the best carrot you have ever tasted.



You name, it’s all grown organically on her farm.

Everyone just amazed at what Stephanie has been able to grow in just 9 months.

Here’s why Stephanie and the Carribean Agroforestry Institute is important to cacao:

It’s the systems and foundational layer that makes this project possible.

The core premise is you can use plants to help plants, you don’t actual need all of the damaging stuff like pesticides and herbicides to grow an incredible crop. In fact it might even be BETTER (re: more money in your pocket) not to.

(Stephanie is raising $20K to build an outdoor classroom to teach more people how to take care of their land. If you would like to donate to her non-profit: Click here)

Continuing to build

The whole day was continuing to gather data, refine our thinking, and operationalize the vision.

Part of that is bringing in world-class talent to do so:

  • We had researchers who’ve worked on small scale anaerobic digesters, helping to create more sustainable supply chains.

  • Individuals who have expertise in large scale farming operations.

  • Former-professional skiers, you name it!

Further-more, it’s continuing to build deep relationships with key connections on the island that will help bring this vision to life.

What we are doing is NOT EASY, but if we can continue to attract world class talent it gets a lot easier.

How you can help:

Just send this to a friend

Donate to the Agroforestry Institute

Humbled to have you on this journey.
