Twitter Family Vacation Update - 2025

And here's why...

Twitter Family Vacation - Update

A couple of months ago you indicated interest that you were interested in coming to Puerto Rico for a Twitter family vacation.

This is totally happening - just in 2025.

It will be the Sun Valley Conference for non-billionaires. I talked with the team that puts on Main Street and it was a bit to much for me to take on as I build back from bankruptcy.

BUT I did want to share what I am working on, my buddy was working on the Cacao industry here in Puerto Rico.

I decided to help him out and IT’S SPIRALED OUT OF CONTROL.

This tweet went pretty viral and over 70 investors signaled interest and we just got our first firm commitment in only 3 days.

So I figured I would bring you along for the journey because imagine a family vacation to a place like this there we make our own chocolate too.

If you don’t want to follow along, no worries just email me and I will take you off the list.

Otherwise, the second update is below.

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 2

Today was a new milestone, received our first firm commitment after just 1 call, added another $85K of interest and still have 15 calls still.

With that, this is now my full focus: I’ve cleared my calendar and I’m building a ship as I sail it.

Here is the current deck. (just schedule some time with me while your at it)

 I need your help:

If you know someone who would be interested, send them this tweet and I will reach out.
Forward this email, there is a sign-up at the bottom.
Just give them my number and tell them to text me 417-830-7635

Who: The perfect person is an accredited investor who loves the SWEET NECTAR of tax-free gains of the Qualified Small Business Stocks and understands the power of an audience to drive economic value.

Lastly, if you said you are interested in investing and no longer are please respond to this email and let me know. Otherwise, I’m going to keep following up to find time with you.

FREE MONEY: Let’s talk about taxes.

On top of the $10 million in capital gains for QSBS when we get the Puerto Rico Cacao industry to billions of dollars, Puerto Rico is the most tax-friendly place in the United States that will keep your money compounding.

  • Income tax incentives

  • R&D Credits

  • The whole island is basically an opportunity zone.

All this to say we are going to be maximizing the compounding by taking advantage of as many tax credits as possible.

On top of that, I spent an hour today with a potential investor/advisor who has developed agricultural initiatives all over the world who said we will be in a great position to also leverage federal tax grants to accelerate our vision.

But wait there is more… I’m proving this model out as we speak. 3 EXAMPLES

The core of this business model is that we are going to exponentially accelerate the Puerto Rico Cacao industry through content and distribution.

In fact, I’m a big believer in two main competitive advantages: Distribution and Relationships.

Here’s three examples just from today:

  1. A couple investors got to see this in real time today. I revived my project Traveling Parents which will be a key part of this strategy. I grew that list to over 7,000 subscribers. I hadn’t sent an email since last July and then this happened:

I monetized 30 of those clickes at $2 a click since Beehiiv makes it easy to get access to advertising opportunities.

  1. Then this lady reached out via X, saying she wants to visit the farms you better believe I’m going to send her a stripe link:

  1. I’m really going hard on Twitter, my goal is to be at 10,000 followers by the time we close this round.

    This tweet did over 200K impressions today
    This one is on pace to do the same

    Every time you like, comment, bookmark etc. you are helping propel this journey forward so I thank you.

    Here are the full stats.

It’s way to late, I have some follow ups coming but I wanted to get this out tonight!

It’s humbling to have you a part of this journey


(Feel free to send this to a friend.)