Impact Industry: The Agreement, The Principles, and The Impact


Impact (noun)


  1. the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.

In my words, Impact is the intentional transfer of energy from one thing to another:

  • One person transferring his/her energy to someone else.

  • One business transferring its profit to a purpose.

  • One vision transferring its mission to others.

Impact Industry is the intentional transfer of compounding interest to compounding impact (more on that later).

Impact Industry and this newsletter tries to answers one question:

How can business make a greater impact in the world?

If that doesn’t interest you, unsubscribe button is below…

The Agreement

…If you are here, I need your help.

I personally don’t have the answer to the question above and am still refining my viewpoint as I meet others trying to answer the same question.

Here is my promise to you, I will:

  • Share ideas on how I think business can make a greater impact.

  • Share stories on others making a greater impact.

  • Share how I and my businesses are making a greater impact.

  • Listen to feedback to refine my thinking.

Here is what I need from you:

  • Challenge my ideas on how to make a greater impact.

  • Connect me to others who are also trying to answer the question.

  • Hold me accountable to making a greater impact.

  • Share with me how you are making a greater impact.

If you agree, reply to this email. I want to know you personally! This is a two-way newsletter.

The Principles

There are three core beliefs that guide my decisions personally, and that run my businesses. I even wear a ring on my index finger as a daily reminder.

They’re called: I’m Third Principles

I can’t take full credit for the name or idea as I was introduced to them early on in my faith journey. But THEY ARE the principles that guide my thinking and my life.

  1. Higher Purpose First

  2. Others Second

  3. I’m Third

They work wonders to filter decisions in life and business.

They also guide my thoughts and this newsletter.

I will go more in-depth in how they apply to business in the next newsletter.

Still with me? Last part.

The Impact

Here is the plan I’ve executed on since Oct. 5th, 2019.

I started the compounding interest wheel (Buying 3 businesses) and now I want to accelerate the transfer to compounding impact and bring others along in the journey.

What is compounding impact you ask?

It’s investing in things that will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Sounds a lot like compounding interest, right? It is.

For me there is two key areas, I will focus on:

Kids and Communities

Example, investing time and attention in children lead to children having more confidence, tools, knowledge for years to come.

My hope is that this newsletter and community will amplify the impact that business can create in the world and it’s humbling to have you along in the journey.

Again, if I haven’t already talked with you personally send me a message on Twitter or respond to this email.
