Impact Industry Cacao - Update 7

All the Good and the Bad

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 7

The good and the bad of success.

The good: there is a huge pressure lifted off on the fundraising side. This is going to close.

- The time I get to spend with the most talented people, I am building the DREAM team to bring this vision to life.

- I get to now fully focus on getting people excited and bringing this idea to life.

The bad: The only way this works is in conjunction with the government of Puerto Rico.

WHICH means that I have to be more polished and filtered in the way I communicate both legal and externally.

My day focuses on how I connect with people to how do I connect with people while telling my story that has to connect with someone else’s story.

It means I can’t share as much. It means I can’t share everything. It means sometimes I have to have something reviewed before it can be shared.

BUT the amount of people on board and excited about this mission is nothing short of inspiring.

Thank you for being a part of it. I’m going to switch to operational mode to get this closed in the next couple of weeks and then will begin to share more.

THANK YOU for being a part of the journey


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