Impact Industry Cacao - Update 6


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 6

I’m going to get a little personal today. You can find the week one update here. It’s crazy that this all happened with in 10 days, the amount of things that happen every day have just been crazy so I’m going to give you all the timeline of how this came together:

March 24th - I talk to my buddy about what he is doing at the Cacao project, and he tells me to come see the farm.

March 26th - I send the first tweet about Cacao does pretty well $30,000

March 27th - Post the Mr. Beast tweet and it goes bonkers with over 70 investors indicating interest, that list is now up to over 150.

March 28th - Go on the cacao industry tour and am just blown away. I mean look at me I’m a jungle kid at heart.

Here’s the crazy part, this was my last day of work for my contract role. I showed my boss what I could do to drive value but his business didn’t need it. So I was without income with a family of 5. Don’t worry I’m really good at burning the ships

March 29th - On calls all day with my buddy and board members of the project he is working, but as I step into a fiduciary role I had to pass on his opportunity.

March 30th - spend all working, putting together a pitch deck because there are lots more opportunities to get involved build the vision. Do all the follow ups, schedule meetings.

March 31st - Amazing things are happening still, connected to the Dominican market, the ecuadorian market, I have cocoa buyers/suppliers all in my list, people who own farms etc.

April 1st - BOOM first day of investor meetings, and over $400,000 of interest on day one. And it just keeps snow balling from there.

April 2nd - Meet with my past investors in furniture business, meet with my bankruptcy lawyer in San Juan, they all want to be involved.

April 3rd - THEN BOOM, 40 min call with investor firm commitment $25K.

April 4th - I BURNED ALL THE SHIPS, I’M ALL IN: I was interviewing for a $200K + salary role in San Juan, would have had to commute 9 hours a week but it was a dream role. Basically the exact same role I had a Facebook. But there was too much momentum.

But the only reason I did that was because a friend said, “Hey I’ll cover your salary for a bit go after this, do it right” AND dang did it feel good to have the whole world behind.

April 4th -5th: FULL DAYS OF INVESTOR CALLS another $125K was secured heading into the weekend with a lot more pending.

April 6-7: At this point I am terrified so I am making sure that I put all the things in place to control ALL my risks. I wanted people to help guide me through this time. That’s why I created the board, hired the top law firm. I was serious and I was all in.

That brings us too today… I’m TERRIFIED, PUMPED, ENERGIZED, all at the same time. Our life has a completely changed and we have an opportunity to do what we always wanted. MAKE AN IMPACT

See more below

Daily Thrill of the Schill - SCHEDULE A MEETING

If you are new today, you can find previous updates here

This is quickly getting to be much bigger than me.

For those of you that still haven’t scheduled a meeting. Reply to this email with a time or schedule time here, the deck is attached in the link. I’m tracking you in an Airtable so until you say no, I’m going to figure out a way to meet you.

I expect to have another 60 meetings before next Wednesday! This weekend I get to breathe a little.

New Update: I opened 9-12pm at night if you are worried about your boss (or wife) getting too excited about chocolate and cacao industry in Puerto Rico

The Risks: Personally

There is already a ton of pressure on me to perform.

Every night I try to spend 30 minutes with my wife but with 3 kids and SO many things happening every single day it doesn’t feel like it enough.

I created a board to protect me, to protect my family, and to make sure that I am growing into who I need to be to lead this MASSIVE Opportunity but it doesn’t come without fear.

I’m scared of what going from 7,500 followers to hundreds of thousands of eyeballs might mean.

I’m scared of the risk of hubris that seems to slowly creep in to men in the world as success and achievement come.

I’m scared of the demands and pressures of the family.

BUT both my wife and I feel this is what we are CALLED to do. The amount of stuff that has happened over a very short time feels like exactly where God wants us.

AND we get to use all of the unique abilities gifts talents that we has given. Building deep relationships quickly, communicating in Spanish, a heart for culture and people, and hospitality, serving others.

AND I get to focus it for the next 15 years. It’s that big.

Here’s How you can Help

  • Engage with this Tweet - my goal is to drive 100K impressions per day right now. This one is getting some traction about Family offices.

  • Send this Deck (okay it’s a calendly link but the deck is in there)

  • Forward this email.

It’s humbling to have you a part of this journey.


(Feel free to send this to a friend.)