Impact Industry Cacao - Update 4


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 4

Mark Your Calendars because this is happening!

When: 4/20 (convenient day for chocolate eh?)
What: Puerto Rico Chocolate and Coffee Expo + Impact Industry CACAO Investor Party
Where: San Juan, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Convention Center.
(If you commit to invest, I’m covering the cost of the convention)

Today was a record day, there are 9 people who have indicated firm commitments and still are deciding their final dollar amount.

And we have 3 individuals who are coming down to the EXPO! The coolest part of this is meeting everyone and hearing their stories. It’s so humbling to hear their hearts.

Here are the final stats that came through today!

At this pace were are well on our way to fully subscribe the round! We had one larger investor back out, I asked for feedback and he said:

“I think there are too many hidden costs to running a farm!”

And that is total fair critique. The initial Model Finca (farm) is kinda like how Elon Musk built the Roadster first.

The farm is a testing ground for us to drive more interest and eyeballs to the Puerto Rico Cacao industry, increase eco-tourism BUT really monitor the economic costs for when we take on MUCH BIGGER projects.

Daily Thrill of the Schill - SCHEDULE A MEETING

If you are new today, you can find previous updates here

For those of you that still haven’t scheduled a meeting. Reply to this email with a time or schedule time here, the deck is attached in the link. I’m tracking you in an Airtable so until you say no, I’m going to figure out a way to meet you.

I expect to have another 60 meetings before next Wednesday! This weekend I get to breathe a little.

New Update: I opened 9-12pm at night if you are worried about your boss (or wife) getting too excited about chocolate and cacao industry in Puerto Rico

Key Highlights from Today:

  1. Onboarded DLAPiper - Puerto Rico We are moving forward with DLAPiper, and I made sure they are going to hit their deadlines. See what I emailed them.

  2. COOLEST Local young Puerto Rican wants to get involved. Nothing more to say here than that God is moving and things are taking shape. The power of Twitter is incredible.

  3. HUMBLED Commitment from investor for his first angel investment. Again nothing more to say but in aw of the trust people are putting into me to steward their money.

  4. MOST IMPORTANT mapping out governance and board of directors This is growing and expanding quicker than I thought… and right now my feet are on the ground but I need people around me who are there to keep me ground, make sure I’m applying all the lessons I learned from the first time around, and making sure I keep the main thing the main thing.

Here’s what I am doing this weekend:

Luckily I only have one call (long and super important) but it’s going to give me a chance to catch up on all the demand.

The thing is all of these stats are only from COLD inbound interest from Twitter, other than my prior investors of the furniture endeavor.

I have so many people I need to update that have no clue what I am doing because it has all happened so quickly so I want to reach out to them personally and give an update.

My prayer the last couple of months was for God to order my steps and that’s what this last week has felt like, I have dozens of stories to slowly tell about this whole adventure.

And even more so than the investors there are quite a few people that have reached out and want to get to work.

Here are other key things I hope to accomplish before Monday:

  • Full FAQ outlining the questions I’ve got, strategy risk, scenarios

  • Build out a data room. We’ve already looked at some projections of farm land on a 1-acre, unit cost basis and what are the returns for future projects.

  • Get a surf session in with the babies tomorrow - Saturday mornings are beach day.

  • Use the weekend to get as close to my 60 call goal for next week, can you help me?

Here’s How you can Help

Okay, that’s it for tonight.

My wife just came in and told me my cut-off has to be 3am because she doesn’t sleep as well without me. I’ve had the same warm body in bed for 9 years since I was 20 and it’s glorious. Say a quick prayer for us because this has all come at us so fast and we are working through it.

It’s humbling to have you a part of this journey


(Feel free to send this to a friend.)