Impact Industry Cacao - Update 23 - CHOCOLATE

Our first chocolate bar

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 23

Would you like to be the PROUD owner of our first Chocolate Bar and come visit us here in Puerto Rico with a friend?

We are auctioning off our first chocolate bar and there is 24 hours remaining!

I have no clue how it will taste, but it will be an incredible experience, nonetheless.

Making Chocolate

While I was in Mexico, our first test batch of cacao beans were being fermented.

I let them ferment in open air for little over 3 days and it gets pretty hot here, and then let them dry in the direct sun for about 6 hours.

Following that I roasted them at about, 280 for about 30 minutes to get a nice dark roast on the chocolate, made the house smell incredible.

Roasted Cacao Beans.

Following that we removed the husks and then threw it into a blender with sugar to create a powder. We are still waiting for our official equipment… so we had to make due.

Cacao powder might have a scoop with breaky in the morning.

You will have to wait and see for the final product… by being the one who buys our first chocolate bar.

Submit your bid here

If you happen to buy now for $100K I'll turn it into equity for you. 😉 

How you can help:

-Share this with friend.

-Donate to the Agroforestry Institute

Humbled to have you on this journey.
