Impact Industry Cacao - Update 22 - MEXICO

Building the puzzle

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 22

I’m about to board the 7th flight in two days. What my investors didn’t know is that I still have 1.5M airline points I’m putting to work for them 😉 

Why did I really fly to Mexico?

Right now, I’m trying to find ALL the puzzle pieces around the world necessary for this project to reach a $1B+ outcome, and I’ll hop on any plane to do it.

There just so happened to be some technology and people in Mexico that I wanted to meet that I think could play a strategic role in not just helping us make more money but make sure that we build the most tech-forward Cacao business in the world.

Puerto Rico is an island made up of many microclimates and soil types. How you farm on one side of a mountain might be different from the other side?

So I flew down to Mexico to see if I could find a solution to that, and early signs are promising.

Added an asset to the balance sheet

A commercial freeze dryer is headed to the island in the next couple of weeks. 🙂 

Why a freeze dryer? Well there is a lot of wasted produce on the island, cacao can be freeze dried, and it gets us to having a strong product selection much quicker.

Freeze drying also maintains a lot of nutrients compared to a roasting process so I have some Product R&D that we plan on assessing.

Who wants to try some freeze dried Cacao?

How you can help:

-Share this with friend.

-Donate to the Agroforestry Institute

Humbled to have you on this journey.
