Impact Industry Cacao - Update 20


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 20

I have been devouring information in the cacao industry. I’m reading this book right now - Bread, Wine, Chocolate: The Slow Loss of Foods We Love Reprint, Sethi, Simran -

If you want to really understand what we are doing and the importance of it I encourage you to check it out.

Weekly Update

If you are new here you can find prior updates here.

I set a couple of priorities last week and we hit all of them! While that’s exciting, I would have rather missed a couple knowing that I set our targets and ambitions a little higher but here’s the update.

  1. Finalize supply of cacao - this means gaining access cacao for testing and learning purposes. (Sign contract for a farm) ✅

  2. Kick-off Global Brand ✅

  3. Create the launch team and build the foundation (hire 1 new team member) ✅

  4. Plant to Bar - Map out the learning objectives from planting cacao to making chocolate. ✅

Tomorrow Stephanie from the Carribean Agroforestry Institute is heading to the farm that we’ve leased that has 250 mature cacao trees. She’s designing our first research project.

We had our meeting with global brand agency and were joined by important Puerto Rican voices to make sure it bleeds through the brand.

We confirmed contract for 2nd employee to join us who is based here in Puerto Rico.

And we have a HUGE learning agenda to get through this month.

This Week’s Priorities:

  • Identify OUR FARM. We are still planning on buying a finca. We have a bunch of options are narrowing it down.

  • Structure our data, team and communications. There are lot more moving parts we need to put some operations in place to maximize efficiency now.

  • Build Relationships by meeting with key players here on the island.

How you can help:

-Share this with friend.

-Donate to the Agroforestry Institute

Humbled to have you on this journey.
