Impact Industry Cacao - Update 18


MEN who read this, make sure your MOM is taken care of, your kids MOM is taken care of (AKA Your Wife!) and your mom’s mom!

The Godfather of Puerto Rico Cacao has made it easy for you: Mother’s Day Gift Box – Jeanmarie Chocolat (

(P.S. If you haven’t researched the health benefits of pure cacao, GOOGLE IT. You are quite literally being a life saver when you buy this. They don’t press their beans meaning all the nutrients stay contained in the cacao.)

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 18

The pressure is on and I’m loving it. Here are two key themes over the next 2 months:

  • How do we cut years off our timelines (This is a 15-year vision)

  • How do we learn as much as possible (so that we can confirm and deny assumptions)

As you can probably tell, #1 is a difficult challenge given it takes at least 4 years to grow cacao and well you can’t rush God.

But if we nail #2, it will allow us to accomplish #1 in the form of capital, talent, and capabilities which should start the 15-year flywheel.

This Week’s Priorities:

  • Finalize supply of cacao - this means gaining access cacao for testing and learning purposes. (Sign contract for a farm)

  • Plant to Bar - Map out the learning objectives from planting cacao to making chocolate. (One Day in the field)

  • Create the launch team and build the foundation (hire 1 new team member)

  • Kick-off Global Brand

That’s on top of giving presentation, IN SPANISH, at the Carribean e-commerce growth conference.

My Role - What I Get to do.

Long term - my role is pretty clear:

  • Tell a global story

  • Recruit the best talent

  • Attract global capital

Short term is really what will make or break us. And there is no better way to build trust than getting my hands dirty - literally.

  • Harvesting and farming cacao to build relationships with farmers and key industry connections.

  • Studying the processing and manufacturing of Cacao.

  • Building a foundation for talent, data, and technology to help us propel this vision forward as quickly as possible.

How you can help:

-Share this with friend.

-Donate to the Agroforestry Institute

Humbled to have you on this journey.
