Impact Industry Cacao - Update 17

4 WEEKS and 15 YEARS

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 17

The first wires have dropped.

It’s crazy to think that 4 weeks ago I had a stable job.

I was still in bankruptcy.

And that Impact Industry Cacao didn’t even exist.

But it’s been 4 weeks to the day since my tweet went viral about the Cacao.

I feel like I have lived a lifetime of experiences in those last 4 weeks and the only way I can explain it is God ordering the steps. From being connected to the global cacao industry, to the largest brands, and hosting over a dozen guests.

My life really feels like a fairy tale.

4 weeks and 15 years

One of the things that excites me most is that I won’t get bored for the next 15 years. This project requires me to meet with farmers, scientists, researchers, technologists, governments, other cacao nations, you name.

This first 4 weeks is just a taste of what the next 15 years and I’m fired up, humbled, and honored to be able to steward it forward.

Shhh can you keep a secret?

Impact Industry Cacao is just the holding company and if we do it right it should never be known.

But we already have the global brand that will continue to tell the story.

Email me back and I will send it to you directly because I’m not quite ready to share it with the world.

How you can help:

Humbled to have you on this journey.
