Impact Industry Cacao - Update 14


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 14

Okay, the last time I said I was keeping you on your toes… if you have seen my Twitter post, you probably know why this is the first email in 4 days.

My wife and I hosted (still hosting) a dozen advisors, investors and potential employees to bring this vision to life. For putting together an investor weekend in less than three weeks AND people actually booking tickets to fly down…


Man, I get so much energy from being Face to Face and Belly to Belly with others


My wife will hate me for it, but look how I happy I am.

Benefits of the weekend.

This weekend really solidified 3 key things for me:

  • This is what I’m supposed to be doing

  • There is a growing industry of passionate people here on the island that needs our support to accelerate it.

  • This vision brings out some of the best and most talented people to bring this vision to life!

People are betting on me and man does that give me the most energy (both fear and excitement) to bring this vision to life.

The event was a bit overwhelming. We arrived right when the event started and there were 1000’s of people already lined up outside. TONS OF PEOPLE showed up for this event it was packed all day.

Think like a big retail RV show… BUT for chocolate lol.

All of the biggest brands and companies in the coffee and chocolate space from around the island and beyond were in attendance. Starbucks, Wendy’s and then all the small ones too.

Our goal was to build relationships with the small players and deepen our understanding of the industry.

We met with a lot of vendors doing small bean to bar chocolate, key partnerships who are working to create co-ops to farm the beans, as well as other partnerships that could be beneficial to the future.

Our conversations reassured us that there is never a better time to start investing in the cacao industry here in Puerto Rico.

How you can help:

Just send this to a friend

Humbled to have you on this journey.
