Impact Industry Cacao - Update 13


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 13

I’m going to keep you all on your toes about when I send these emails. It’s really based on whether I have enough sleep to send you some coherent thoughts at night but I’m shooting for 1 every single day!

Here’s where we are at

For those of you that have done deals, you know you get to a point where it’s a bunch of play calling as the quarter back and then you immediately turn into the lineman and do a bunch of blocking and tackling.

That’s where I am right now.

We have our entity, our bank account, our lead investors, and now we finalizing advisors, term sheets, insurance, compensation, etc. etc.

All while continuing to push the ball up the hill on operations so that we can start sprinting day one. First employee hired, fractional CFO building the financial model, meeting with key partners and individuals to take this thing online!

Yesterday I had 8 people reach out about employment or partnership opportunities including amazing notes like this. It’s just been humbling to have so many people want to be a part of bring this to life.

How you can help:

Just send this to a friend

Humbled to have you on this journey.
