Impact Industry Cacao - Update 12


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 12

Cacao (cocoa) continued its meteoric rise in prices, breaching over $11,400.

The price doesn’t really matter, what matters is what the price is signaling. Before this run, the highest price ever was $4,100. That means we are close to 250% above all-time highs.

That signals that there is a structural issue, and traders don’t believe it’s going to get any better. The biggest suppliers in West Africa are predicted production to be down 30-40% and they produce 70-80% of the world’s cocoa.

So, while the prices make all the financials models look great right now, I’m trying to a solve a problem, and that’s what we have built this whole vision and team around.

Where are basing our models on Cacao plunging back down to earth, and if they don’t, even better for us.

Big Week Ahead:

We will be hosting over a 20 people this weekend at the Coffee and Chocolate expo. This includes investors, advisers, and potential employees who have all bought tickets down here.

The most humbling part of all of this is all the people that want to be involved. My bankruptcy lawyer, my first employee, people from Twitter. All flying down on their own dime to get this thing off the ground.

I’m just a humble servant trying to steward it.

On top of a big weekend, we have meetings all week finalizing plans and the most important first steps. I still can’t wrap my mind around all that’s happened, please pray for continued guidance for me and the family as we take on this massive project.

How you can help:

Just send this to a friend

Humbled to have you on this journey.
