Impact Industry Cacao - Update 11


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 11

Reply back to me and tell me your favorite part about your weekend!

My daughter was lighting up the waves, it’s so fun to watch her get passionate about something and share my passion with her. Would love to here something about your weekend.

Day of Rest

As you all know, I haven’t been sleeping very much but today and this weekend. I took sometime to recharge batteries, take some nap with the kids, build community at church.

I plan on doing this for the next 15 years and everyday, I’m excited I get to do this.

Now that we are back at it. I’m hopping on tonight with Robert so that we can review some economic models before our calls with partners, advisors, and investors this week.

How you can help:

The more eyeballs we get on Puerto Rico, the better the outcome this whole thing will be for the island.

Will be back tomorrow for more thorough updates.

Humbled to have you on this journey.


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