Impact Industry Cacao - Update 10


Impact Industry Cacao - Update 10

Yesterday was one of the best days to date we. Robert and I had a breakthrough meeting that’s important to the financial viability of this project with the advisory firm responsible for tax incentives on the island!

Both Robert and I walked out that meeting FIRED up with some key questions and some key information to bring this to life!

The business also became official!!!!!

✅Impact Industry Cacao Inc. is officially registered in Puerto Rico
✅Bank account
✅First night of good sleep in 2 weeks!

Transparency is a Double Edged Sword

I referred to yesterday that I am going to have to tame down some updates while we bring this thing to life. As we progress the relationship between our project and multiple stakeholders becomes more and more complex.

That’s why I’m putting in place world class advisors, legal teams, and tax teams to bring this global vision to life.

When things are OFFICIAL I will continue to be transparent.

I wouldn’t be here with out you.

I humbled to have you on this journey.


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