Impact Industry Cacao - Update 1

It's happening

Impact Industry Cacao - Update 1

Last week, I tweeted I was touring the Puerto Rico Cacao industry. I spent 12 hours touring a chocolate factory, a mature farm, a recently planted farm, and a permaculture farm and meeting the Godfather of Cacao here in Puerto Rico. That tweet reached over 250K people and Impact Industry Cacao was born.

Impact Industry Cacao is a holding company that will make direct investments into the most promising opportunities in Cacao industry in Puerto Rico

For those that indicated interest in investing please check your inbox from [email protected]. A couple investors reported emails going to spam. I’ve since switched to Beehiiv to get better deliverability.

If you are still interested in investing in this project, please schedule time with me. I will send the deck at least 24 hours prior. Please review prior. Goal for the call is to get to know each other and talk about risks on the call.

Relationships are really the most important thing to me, I want you to know me personally, so I will not send over the deck until we have time on the calendar.

We will be closing the first investment by 4/19/2024, a day before the
Puerto Rico Coffee & Chocolate Festival
I’m trying to host all 60 meetings between now and next Wednesday.

After the first 10 meetings, Monday & Tuesday we had about $400K of interest and that was just from my twitter followers it doesn’t include past investors, business partners, and friends/family that want to be involved as well.

If you could indicate your interest (Check-size) that way I can right size the round to make sure we can accommodate as many as possible.

With that in mind, I engaged an attorney and will be picking one tomorrow. Most likely we will be going with DLAPiper as Puerto Rico has many tax incentives that we will be taking advantage of, and they are experts.

Shortly after we will engage the necessary financial controls.

We are also issuing Qualified Small Business Stocks on the initial raise from a holding company so that US based investors can take advantage of the tax incentives we have too 😉 

Those who participate in this initial will have a stake in all other investments we make into the Puerto Rico Cacao and Eco-tourism industry.

This investment is for you if you believe in me executing my comeback in bankruptcy, you understand the content→ commerce business model executed by people like freightalley, and you want to be a part of the long-term vision of the industry.

This opportunity is for accredited investors.

In the future, I foresee opportunities to partner with me on more traditional real estate/fund structured deals in land on the island.

The strategy is simple (not easy):

  1. The Puerto Rico Cacao Industry has a lot of momentum and is one of two places in the United States to grow cacao. (Global Market: $58B)

  2. I’m going to execute the content → commerce strategy as coined to leverage my distribution of eyeballs to drive demand and interest in Cacao and Puerto Eco-tourism Industry. (Proven reach of 10M people since September and 1M people about Puerto Rico and cacao, 572K in the last week)

  3. We are going to invest in the most strategic opportunities, with first investment being a 4.6 acre Cacao farm that was planted 2 years ago. The purpose of this first farm is to have a model farm to create more content around the Puerto Rico Cacao and host tours to drive more demand. This accelerates having fruit producing trees by 3 years.

  4. As the Cacao industry grows, we will continue to make investments in the most critical parts of the industry such as nurseries, processing, production, or chocolate. Compounding cash for the next 15 years.

  5. We will continue to reinvest cashflows to take advantage of the tax incentives both the QSBS Shares and Puerto Rico Incentives. (there are lots across agriculture, eco-tourism, services act)

  6. Initial investors will have an option to exit the holding company in year 5 after their QSBS benefits take into effect.

  7. The more eyeballs we drive to the island and cacao the more money you make.

As mentioned above. Please schedule time to receive deck and review information.

This is an investment please do not invest any money you cannot afford to lose. I have learned a ton of lessons which I have shared in my last venture which you can find on my X profile.

Lastly, my lead investor from my prior venture is available for a reference check reach out if you would like to talk to him about what it is like to invest with me.

Today, I will put together some FAQs that have been asked and fill you in on all that has transpired over the last 5 days.

It’s humbling to have you on this journey.


(Feel free to send this to a friend.)